#Butler county fair hours free
Buy/Sell/Swap, Rain or Shine- Free Entry, Howard Co. At Butler County Fairgrounds, 1715 Fairgrove Ave., 8 am-4 pm.

2440 Brenda Drive Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ALL KINDS OF AUTOMOBILIA: Manuals, Special Interest & Antique, SPONSORS: Parts A Rama 2023 is on the way! To Become a CCC Member: Gates open 7:00am Dusk, *See vendor info page for more info and vendor spot deadline*, PO Box 681 Bremerton, Washington. in Hamilton, OH 45011 - Saturday April 12 from 9:00am to 3:00pm - Vendors fee is $40.00 for the inside or $30.00 outside, Vendor Spots will ONLY be Reserved with $25.00 Payment in Advance. Butler County Region 5,8TH ANNUAL BUTLER COUNTY SWAP MEET, At the Butler County Fairgrounds - 1715 Fairgrove Avenue (Route 4) at Fair Ave. in Hamilton, OH 45011 - Sunday April 15 from 10:00am to 4:00pm - Vendors fee is $40.00 for the inside or $30.00 outside - Vendor Set-Up starts at 6:30am, Vendor Spots will ONLY be. Butler County Region 5, 8th ANNUAL BUTLER COUNTY SWAP MEET, At the Butler County Fairgrounds - 1715 Fairgrove Avenue (Route 4) at Fair Ave. We take pride in saying that we have third-generation vendors! Want a space for our 2023 show and you were not a previous vendor? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This year at the Parts-A-Rama we are going to shake things up a bit and introduce the the all-new 2021 Parts-A-Rama Import Car Meet! Fair is almost here! Let's treat everyone with respect. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The Ultimate Truck Dirt Drags is back for 2022! WEEKEND ADMISSION PASS $20.00 3.
#Butler county fair hours plus
The CARS & PARTS SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW events will happen 4 times in 2022, and we now believe that our Spring event on Memorial Day Weekend is the largest event of its kind in the entire region, with over 700 Cars-For-Sale in the car corral, plus hundreds and hundreds of vendor spaces sold. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. VENDOR SPACES AVAILABLE SPONSORS: Ohio Valley Chapter Falcon Club of America Tickets on sale in April. Newsletter: Joe VonderHaar (606) 584-8165, For up to date information please visit our Facebook page. Auto swap meet, car corral, and car show. You will find parts and supplies that are not readily available at the local auto parts stores and many items that are no longer being sold or manufactured. Open to any and all gas or diesel trucks. Door prizes, trivia questions, and food vendors. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Hours: 5am to 2pm, rain or shine, we swap. Secretary: Ralph Gubser (513) 741-8247 Renewal packets have been sent in the mail! Madd Hoss Jackson. , January 21st, 2017from 8:00 AMto 4:00 PM, All types of parts, literature, toys, and automobilia. The Butler County Ohio Fair is a family tradition since 1851. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin.

Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. As of now we are still putting things together for our events, so please sign-up for our email list, and follow us on Facebook for updates! Your name Please enter your name. Held select weekends each month, this market offers vintage pieces and handcrafted artisan wares. Ripley County Fairgrounds 525 W Beech Street, Osgood, IN S.E. Anyone on or off Facebook EVERYTHING AUTOMOTIVENew, Used, Buy, Sell & Trade Hamilton, Ohio Hosts John Howard Butler County Winter Swap Meet (Ohio) Butler County Fair 1715 Fairgrove Ave, Hamilton, OH (724) 898-7875, FOR MORE INFO OR TO RESERVE SPOTS PLEASE CALL. This year at the 2022 Parts-A-Rama we plan on following tradition and keeping the Parts A Rama car corral going strong! 26The 172nd Butler County Fair commenced on Sundaywith more than 35,000 people in attendance, and two teens are at the center of it all: Anna Moeller and Sam Vessel, this year's fair queen and king.

This is a centralized location where vendors of a wide variety of vehicle parts and supplies can come and sell their wares.